
Some Predictions for Season 2 of Westworld

charlie and the chocolate factory anime After watching all the first 3 episodes, there are several predictions I would like to say Westworld Season 2. 
First, they are continuing with the multiple timeline idea. There are several.
The earliest point is now, 2018, when the guy from the “Argos Initiative” (Ford and Arnold’s boss) pitches the idea to Logan Delos. Earlier in the evening, Arnold is frustrated that Dolores isn’t getting up to speed, and is still too robotic (she repeats the, “stars scattered on the ground” line, and moves in a somewhat mechanical manner). injustice 2 joker costumes
This also shows that, Hosts have been taken outside the park, and will start remembering this, to understand where the Delos staff and the Guests come from, and the artificial nature of their own world in the park.
In the “next episode” teaser, we see young-William doing a couple of things. He has a private conversation with Dolores, in the same room where Arnold used to talk with her. He is still hurt and disappointed (“You’re just a thing”), but is learning that she is “a mirror” for Guests to learn about themselves. This version looks and acts a bit older than the original young-William, so maybe this is a progression to a further time-point in his development towards Man In Black.
Also (after his first visit to the park) he pitches Logan’s father (the CEO of Delos) to invest. This is a vital moment, because it reveals one mission of the park. They will lie to the Guests that, their behaviour will be confidential, but the Hosts are really recording everything that is done to them. Before their memories are erased, that video footage is stored elsewhere. Delos Corporation will then use this to blackmail the wealthy, powerful Guests. The intellectual property that the woodcutter was transmitting, and that Peter Abernathy has, includes this behavioural data (i.e. it wasn’t just programming source code).
Another time point is the night that the overt Host rebellion starts (we see a Guest in a tuxedo, running into a remote refurbishment lab, having just escaped from the party where Ford is killed). Then, Dolores (in Wyatt mode) and her posse walk in.
Also, just after this time point, Bernard and Charlotte escape to the remote facility that Charlotte knew about, but Bernard didn’t. Elsewhere, MIB is dealing with the gunshot that he received during the party, and feeling happy with the new situation.
Another time point is two weeks later, when Karl (representing Delos) arrives on the beach, and seeks Bernard’s assistance. Note that, Bernard has lost his eyeglasses, and is weak and confused.
The other basic structure is groups and leaders, with four of them.
There is Dolores. She has three personality-type facets. The naive, innocent, rancher’s daughter, ready to be victimised by Guests, and also confused in her old talks with Arnold. She is also Wyatt, (originally a separate character intended to be in a separate body, but now merged with her), whom we first saw in the last episode of Season 1, during the fight with MIB. The Wyatt persona is the one with the ammunition belt, gunning down Guests, and barking orders, and talking about revenge. The third personality is a separate person, which is self-directed, and she isn’t quite sure who she is yet.
Dolores leads Teddy, who isn’t yet conscious, and always has that panicked expression. When they walk into the control facility, you can see the zombie-like “Wyatt’s men” who, ironically, set upon and killed Teddy back in Season 1. Teddy’s consciousness is encouraged by Dolores, when she tells him to review his history of being shot and killed by Guests.
Maeve leads Hector, who isn’t yet conscious. She previously had the “Infiltrate Mainland” instruction on her file, and chose to disobey. I’m guessing that, we will get some idea of who made that instruction. She wants to rescue her daughter, and also rescue Clementine. She is less interested in revenge, compared to Dolores.
Dolores and Maeve will be enemies. I had already figured this out by the end of Season 1. Dolores wants more large-scale violence and change. Perhaps Maeve just wants to settle down to a peaceful farmhouse and family, and so feels threatened by Dolores.
There is Karl, who heads the Extraction Team at Delos Corp. His mission is to evacuate the Guests, to kill the malfunctioning Hosts, and to figure out what went wrong, while minimising the public relations disaster that could reduce business revenue. In talking with Stubbs, he implies that, there have been previous Guest fatalities, which may have involved misbehaving hosts, but nothing on this scale. The Delos Destinations contract denies any legal liability for injuries or death.
Lastly, old-William/Man-In-Black isn’t quite a leader, since he only has his long-time companion, Lawrence, and is rejected when attempting to recruit an army in Pariah (“This game is meant for you, William, but you must play it alone”).
In the S2, E2 “next episode” teaser, the elder Delos (Logan’s father) says, “There’s not a man in the world who would talk to me like you do”. Meaning that, he is impressed by the younger William seeming pushy and arrogant. This echos older-William/MIB admiring Lawrence in Season 1. This is part of the comedic relief that will continue (“Mutherfucker”… “Lawrence, you ingrate, grab the gun!”). On a more serious note, in Season 1, Lawrence said, “I’ll kill you”, and MIB calmly replied, “Maybe someday you will”.
Older-William/MIB’s view of the park is different from most Guests. They want to feel cool by subjugating defenseless Hosts. In contrast, MIB wants a fair fight, where he is engaging his basic “true” self, without the fakery and false-politeness, and pseudo-respect directed at his outside-world persona (“Titan of industry, philanthropist…”)
In S2, E2, older-William/MIB talks to Lawrence in the saloon (just after MIB retrieves the first-aid kit to treat his second gunshot wound, sustained when rescuing Lawrence). Note that, the camera angle on Ed Harris is exactly the same as in the Season 1 “Contrapasso”, when he talks with Ford.
In the Superbowl trailer, there is a shot of MIB, standing in the rain, looking grim, like something tragic has happened, and he is feeling bummed. Although Lawrence is alive and well in the background.
Old-William/MIB is central. In Season 1, he was misguided, thinking that The Maze was something he could find. However, Season 2 has the Child Ford Host, and also the current El Lazo, directly state that, finding “The Door” is a game personally designed for him. The S2 opening credits show a buffalo being produced, and then running wild and falling. They also show MIB’s hat falling, as he falls as a person, or maybe just falls down the rabbit hole. There is a comb going through a woman’s long blonde hair, and I’m not sure that is Dolores, but maybe someone new (or possibly Armistice?).
The S2, E2 saloon monologue tells us old-William/Man-In-Black’s agenda. He feels that, he has been judged unfairly. My guess is that, somebody in Delos management told his wife and daughter about his violent behaviour in the park. This inspired his wife’s suicide, and daughter’s estrangement. He now wants to dismiss that as being just an irrelevant game, which doesn’t really show his true nature. He want’s “Real stakes, real violence” so that, he can show himself to be the good, noble hero of the story, when it really matters.
When, a year prior, MIB killed settler-Maeve and her daughter (perhaps symbolic of his own wife’s death and daughter’s estranagement), he was testing himself, to see if he could express himself as truly evil. However, his actions revealed The Maze, which may have been the tipping point of suffering, which finally led to Maeve gaining consciousness and freedom. So on that level, he actually did something good.
MIB also told also directly Lawrence, “I’m here to set you free”. He feels guilty about all of the suffering that has been inflicted on the Hosts, and has been showing this from S1, E1, as he talked to Teddy (“It seemed cruel”).
He is also old, and feeling finished with life, and plans to destroy Westworld before dying.
“There’s another game here. Arnold’s game. And it cuts deep.” In S2, E2, Arnold and Dolores admire the beautiful city, but Arnold suggests that, humans don’t deserve that beauty, and that, their children (his son, Charlie, but also his children, the Hosts) do. My guess is that, the plan is for the Hosts to escape the park(s), infiltrate the mainland, kill all humans, and establish a new civilisation on Earth.
Younger-William showed Dolores the terraforming machinery. Perhaps this is what she later refers to as a “weapon”. Also, the terraforming recently resulted in creation of an unplanned lake, where many Hosts drowned, and Bernard feels responsible. Back in Season 1, Ford was restructuring large land areas with unknown details.
Bernard is vaguely aware that he is a Host, and is apparently dependent on injecting the milk-looking fluid. He needs to hide this from Charlotte and Karl.
Other issues:
Charlotte Hale represents the Delos Board, but she is now hostage to getting the collected data out (via Peter Abernathy) in order for Management to evacuate her. Perhaps Charlotte is somehow related to Charlie, Arnold’s dead son?
Lee Sizemore is now an underling to Maeve, and may become upset at living out the level of violence that he had previously pitched to Ford.
We have already seen the training facility for Samurai World. The original film also had Medieval World and Roman world. We will get at least a glimpse of these. The revolution might be contained only to Westworld at the moment. Although the tiger on the beach must have come from another park. Perhaps there is an “Africa”-themed park?
Dolores needs some Delos staff kept alive to rejuvenate killed hosts. Maeve also still has Felix and Sylvester.
Stubbs and Elsie appear in the dune buggy with Bernard in the +2-weeks timeline, so we will have flashbacks to their escapes.
The host being rendered in Ford’s secret outpost lab will be revealed. It might be a copy of a person (Ford?), or it might be a new character. The Dolos Destinations contract asserts the right to collect biological information (body fluid samples, DNA) from Guests, and there is already the precedent of making Bernard as a copy of Arnold.
Season 1 showed replays of various situations. The train rides (the one arriving in Sweetwater, and the one going to the front with El Lazo). Hector and his gang stealing the safe. Dolores seeing her previous self face-down in the river. Old-William/MIB rescuing Lawrence (with two slightly different scenarios). Teddy being killed many times. Season 2 will continue this general idea.
So far, the only two conscious hosts are Dolores and Maeve. Bernard is working on it. A vital part of consciousness is knowing that they are Hosts, and that, they and their environment were manufactured.
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Lastly, the point in S1, E1 which got a lot of press attention, was the moment during the “Attack On The Ranch” scenario, when MIB arrived, killed Teddy, and dragged Dolores into the barn, slamming the door. The obvious implication was that, he raped her (and that would be the usual actions of Guests). My prediction is that, he didn’t do that, and that, we will see what actually happened. Maybe he cut her body open, to find some hidden clue (similar to later cutting open Kissy’s head). Or maybe there was some effort to connect with the voice messages left behind by Arnold (e.g. the, “Kill him” that Dolores hears in another replay of the barn incident, when she pulls the gun out of the haystack, and shoots a Host, violating her programming that is supposed to prevent her from firing guns).
ETA (after further thought, and reading other comments):
I agree that, Dolores probably isn’t really conscious yet, and is playing Wyatt, as scripted by Ford. Killing Ford was a replay of her killing Arnold, and she was doing programmed actions both times.
I also agree that, Maeve is the only Host that we have clearly seen make a decision to contradict their programming, when she got back off the train (didn’t she leave her handbag (with data) on the seat?)
In “Contrapasso”, old-William/MIB talks about, how Westworld needed a villain, and that was what he contributed, in a fictional way. But he was interested in Wyatt, as a worthy adversary.
Currently (I haven’t seen S2,E3 yet, so don’t spoiler me!), it looks like, Ford decided to make a villain, in the form of Wyatt, who was originally an individual character. Merging Wyatt with Dolores makes her into the villain of the story.
Perhaps a persistent problem was, young-William falling in love with Dolores, and struggling to be free from his disappointment of how that turned out. Even as MIB, he is sincere when picking up the milk can – “Sweet, but not as sweet as you”. He returns to the park over and over, hoping to rekindle that first romance on the train.
Perhaps old-William/MIB can get over this, when Dolores is transformed into an enemy (Wyatt).
There are guilty feelings all around. Arnold, 35 years ago, and recent Ford, ordering their own executions. The shame of Guests who fear that their vacations were recorded for blackmail. Sizemore, and the other Delos staff. Maybe Logan will get in on that? Old-William/MIB feeling that, pitching Delos to invest in the park, made him responsible for the suffering of the Hosts (including his beloved Dolores).
Old-William/MIB has exactly one friend in Westworld, or the world in general. As with the, “Do you believe in God?” talk, he is very interested in inspiring Lawrence to be the second truly conscious Host. green arrow and black canary costumes
The article is originally taken from http://www.ggcos.com/some-predictions-for-season-2-of-westworld/ 

Is captain america die in Avengers:Infinity War?

If you have watched the Avengers:Infinity War, you could know that the Captain America do not die.

I can do this all day” replies young, courageous, patriotic, adamant boy called Steve Rogers who was facing an enemy with twice his power after getting some beatings. young justice robin cosplay
This was his passion, valour to fight, to sustain and to survive in the world of people who judged him punched him underestimated him just because of his appearance. They never saw that burning desire inside him which went on to survive that science experiment conducted on him and made him Captain, to lead the country which was in middle of their worst of battles.

He believed that there is only one GOD and HE pretty much don't dress like Thor/Loki & without any hesitation jumps from the clouds after getting Tony Stark’s plan of attack to settle the dispute between God of Thunder and God of Mischievs. howls moving castle costume
He calls the shot and he is the Boss just beacuse Tony pay for everything and design everything and make everyone look cooler. So when Ultrom asks how Avengers are going to stop him, he gets the reply TOGETHER by Tony who was being assured by the Old man. “Like the old man said, Together”.
BTW our Cap is prone to Language also. :P
But when the real threat of humans and their propogandas came looming he doesn't thought for a second on which side he is on and created his own side and doesn't want to hang himself with the Peoples who have Agenda's because they change. He was concerned about the world and it's protection and he knew the world is not changed not even after 95 years of his lifetime.
“I can do this all day” reverted to friend turned foe who was raging in revenge of his mother because Cap needed to save both of his friend.
Considering all the above instances Captain America really need to die and this time his ultimate sacrifice will be counted for as long as infinity times.
As we can understand from trailer that Earth's Mightiest Heroes are down-deeper and are punched across their two different sides which was created after the Civil War. This time they need to come together keeping all their opinions aside because this time they are not gonna win as the amount of threat with black order and Thanos himself in the ground is much larger and this time they will come to know how does failure feels like.the last guardian costumes 
Caps death will bring each of the superhero together and this time my friends each of them will need to protect the Earth to protect the lives and to protect the path of Hope that was walked upon by our Captain America.
Being Captain America is not easy because you need to think of every single people around you and you are a leader and you are a Survivor and to keep up those pieces together so when the time come we can “see if they could become something more,see if they could work together when we needed them to to fight the battles we never could.
O Captain ! My Captain ! our fearful trip is done;
And your sacrifice will really be paid of because if Avengers cannot able to save your life then they will definitely Avenge it.

How strong is Iron Man's Suit in Avengers:Infinity War


Note 2: I have been told in the comments, and confirmed, that the armor in Infinity War is in fact called Model Prime black canary costumes. Similar tech to Bleeding Edge, with the exception that it is not stored internally inside Tony. The version in the MCU is also more based on nanobot tech while Model Prime is focused on the rebuilding of a structure at the molecular level. Very similar, with some slight differences meant to make the armor more believable in the movies. Now with that out of the way, lets begin.

Not a chance in h***. Sorry, not sorry, its just not happening. The Model Prime armor took on FREAKING THANOS when he had access to not one, not two but FOUR INFINITY STONES. And he was USING them too! And Iron Man still managed to make him bleed. While he did not defeat him, the fact the Avenger whom many MANY people I know consider to be beneath Hulk and Thor managed to actually cause Thanos to BLEED while he had FOUR Infinity Stones? When Hulk AND Thor couldn’t even scratch Thanos when he had ONE stone? I’d say that’s a pretty big point for him. Top that off with the fact the armor actually withstood the full power of the Power Stone at one point AND took a massive meteor travelling at possibly faster than terminal velocity speeds to the face?

Bucky isn’t laying a finger on Tony now. And Tony in the new armor appears to have some martial arts experience now (the way he was moving against Thanos was SO far removed from how he was in Civil War when fighting Cap and Bucky that that is my personal assumption), thea queen cosplay so Bucky’s experience is now negated a bit as well. And there is no way Bucky is stronger than that armor anymore, even with the new Wakandan arm. Plus, he can’t fly and his gun isn't going to do anything to the armor. And the armor repairs itself too!

And is completely adaptable to the situation at hand. There are just so many factors between the Model Prime and the Mark 46 armor that was used in Civil War that it’s not even funny how much of an edge Tony has over Bucky now. And now Tony isn’t as emotional, and thus would actually THINK about his situation instead of just charging in a blind rage at Bucky red arrow costumes. Soooooooo, yeeeeeah… I’m giving this one to Iron Man.

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What will be Avengers 4 Title named?

Avengers:Infinity War is making a new record official box to the Marvel Video Films. If you still have not watched the film in the theater, you could go and watch this trailer first.
One of our biggest questions is reserved for the untitled Avengers: Infinity War sequel, aka Avengers 4, due in May 2019 – namely, what will its ‘scary’ title actually be.
Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet
While there is a comic book arch called The Infinity War, the recent movie borrowed heavily from The Infinity Gauntlet, featuring Thanos and the infamous snap.
Fans have therefore speculated that the sequel to Infinity War the movie will likely be named after the famous comic book. However, the Russo Brothers have since categorically stated the sequel will not be named Infinity Gauntlet, shattering those hopes.
During Age of Ultron, Tony Stark mentions Thanos being the ‘endgame’. Come Infinity War and Doctor Strange ominously tells Stark, after he has given Thanos the Time Stone udring the finale, that “we’re in the endgame now”. People have speculated that the fourth Avengers could therefore be titled Avengers: Endgame after the quote and also signify the end of the original Avengers.
Well, that theory has also been rubbished. Speaking to Uproxx, the Russo Brothers said that the title was not spoken throughout Infinity War.
Avengers: Secret Invasion
While this one seems very unlikely, there’s still talk of Secret Invasion, so we have mentioned it here. The theory follows that, thanks to the introduction of the Skrull in Captain Marvel – coming to cinemas just before Avengers 4 – the upcoming Avengers could be linked with those shapeshifting creatures.
One famous storyline that has remained intrinsically linked with the Skrull is Secret Invasion, which saw multiple superheroes turn out to be Skrull. Could Earth already be overrun? And if it is, does that matter for the fourth Avengers? Probably not as we are still focussed on actually defeating Thanos, making the title Secret Invasion very unlikely. Perhaps Marvel are saving it for Avengers 5?
Avengers: Disassembled?
Another very popular theory, Avengers: Disassembled works as a riff on Avengers: Assembled (which was the UK title for Avengers) plus harkens back to another popular comic book storyline. During the story, the Avengers are ripped apart – the likes of She-Hulk tearing apart Vision – all stemming from Scarlett Witch, who alters reality. The comic finishes by splitting the Avengers into two squads: fittingly, the Marvel films following Avengers 4 will likely focus on a new group of Avengers (Spider-Man, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel – should they be resurrected).
Another option is Avengers: Reassembled – the gang were split up by Civil War and now brought back together thanks to the snap. Perhaps the title’s a little on the nose but certainly plausible.
Avengers: Secret Invasion?
One theory that kept raising its head was that Avengers 4 will be based on Secret Invasion. This was the comic-book event that followed up the original Civil War at Marvel Comics, in which it was revealed that people across Earth – including some superheroes – had been replaced in the past by Skrulls – a race of shapeshifting aliens who had managed to make themselves completely undetectable.
The Skrulls will appear in 2019’s Captain Marvel, which is set in the 1990s but is also setting up her appearance in Avengers 4, which arrives in cinemas shortly afterwards. Carol Danvers (aka Captain Marvel) is closely related to the alien Kree, who are basically the Skrulls’ archenemies. Maybe her film is setting the scene for the revelation that Earth has been infiltrated.  young justice robin cosplay
However, there were no Skrulls in evidence in Infinity War, which makes the likelihood of them playing a key role in Avengers 4 vanishingly small. Our heroes have more than enough to deal with with all those sudden deaths, without having to check under the bed for alien impostors.
If any film is likely to borrow from Secret Invasion, it could be Captain Marvel itself. Maybe Carol (a captain in the Air Force) will uncover an alien infiltration of the US government and/or military. That way, Marvel won’t have to reveal that Iron Man was a Skrull all along… thea queen costume
Whatever the title it would be, let’s looking forward to the Avengers 4 when it releases out. At that time, I think you also could go to the theater and then enjoy the film.
The post is originally taken from http://www.ggcos.com/what-will-be-avengers-4-title-named/ 


Avengers:Infinity War HD Download Link?

Let me break down the whole second Avengers: Infinity War trailer. This is going to be my biggest answer yet, and took a couple days to make, so… yay! All for you guys. My 29 followers as of now who actually care about my writings. 
Real quick: Thanks everybody for supporting me right now. I’m going through a little bit of trouble in my life, and your support of my answers actually means something to me. That I’m not useless. I just answer Infinity War answers, and you guys learned from them (maybe there were no other answers that you could find, IDK).
Thanks. I really appreciate it. ;)
“For as long as I knew him… he only ever had one goal.”
First of all, this epic shot of New York City, with the whole city tilting from upside down to right side up, is amazing, along with the music going along with it. It goes perfectly with the trailer. And, nice Gamora overtalk while this is going on.
“To wipe out half of the universe.”
Cool looking shot of Bruce Banner (notice how he’s not the Hulk), with Rhodey AKA War Machine (he’s walking! I’ll explain later on), and Natasha Romanov AKA Black Widow. The three are together, looking up at the sky like wth we seeing kind of look on their faces.
In the Sanctum Sanctorum, you can sort of see a reflection of someone or something falling past it. This could possibly be Bruce Banner, crashing into the New York Sanctum.
“If he gets all of the Infinity Stones,”
The same shot as the first trailer with Thanos dropping the Space Stone into the Gauntlet.
“He could do it with the snap of his fingers. *finger snap* Just like that.”
“Tell me his name again.”
Amazing finger snap scene by Gamora, and Tony asks her to tell him his name again. She replies with Thanos. However, I have reason to believe that Gamora is talking to the Guardians, and that Tony is in the Sanctum Sanctorum talking to Doctor Strange. Tony is sitting in a background unlike the ship that Gamora was on. And, that was a really nice nod towards the Infinity Gauntlet comic.
I was hyping out all over the place when I saw Thanos take off his helmet, because we all thought that Thanos would not have the armor, given as he had the not-so-nice tank-top thing going on. I mean, he still will, but he will have the armor in flashbacks.
But the thing is? HE ALREADY HAS THE POWER STONE! Which means that he is in his armor on his ship, fighting the Asgardians.
Peter, Peter, Peter… WHAT THE F- (Spider-Man Homecoming references! #AuntMayIsSavageAunt)
We see Peter Parker on the bus, on a field trip, being like, “OMG BIG CIRCLE MUST STOP!” and he jumpa out of his seat, goes out of the window and is on the side of the bus, putting his mask on and literally revealing his identity to go an stop this threat to New York City.
“We’ve got one advantage.”
A shot of the circle in New York City from another angle. Great, like we need any more of these shots. but the dialogue makes up for it by Tony Stark.
“He’s coming for us.
The Bleeding Edge armor, the coolest armor that Tony Stark has ever created, and the most advanced. He has nanobytes coming out of his freaking skin to circle around him (seen in the TV spot from the Super Bowl). But the suit can also respond to his thoughts.
You want a super huge boot jet to make you fly faster? Consider it done. He goes shooting upwards, going all dad-mode on Peter, who is rocketing into space on the circle thing.
We have what Thanos wants.”
“So that’s what we’ll use.”
They first of all showed Doctor Strange opening up the Eye of Agamotto, and we get a quick shot of the Time Stone. Then, we get to see Scarlet Witch looking anxious at Vision, who is looking worried as well. This takes place in Wakanda, and it looks pretty tense.
We get to see Cap and T’Challa reuniting, with all of the super heroes defending Wakanda walking in behind him (Black Widow, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Bruce Banner, and War Machine). Also, Rhodey with his leg braces! That’s cool that he can walk normally again, given that Rhodey got severely injured in Captain America: Civil War.
A shot of Shuri holding an X-Ray of Vision’s head, with Vision lying down on a table of some sort, on which I predict Shuri is trying to figure out a way for her to get the Mind Stone out of Vision’s forehead, and to protect it. Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight are after the stone, so the advanced nation of Wakanda will solve how to do this. If they can’t, then I’m going to be upset.
“Let’s talk about this plan of yours. I think it’s good, except, it sucks.”
“So let ME do the plan,”
“And that way, it might be really good.”
This is a great 10 second light humored part of the trailer. We see the Guardians of the Galaxy, maybe landing on the Collector’s . And then- BOOM. Hilarious exchange between Star-Lord, leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Tony Stark, leader of the Avengers. But the best part? Spider-Man is standing there looking like, what?
This clip shows us some new insight on how the Wakandans are preparing to protect the Mind Stone from the Outriders and Thanos, with his Black Order as well. It shows Falcon flying through the air, accompanied by some ships carrying the army of Wakanda, along with our heroes.
Cap and Black Panther are riding on one of those carriers, and Black Widow and Bucky (AKA White Wolf) are on another one. Missable detail, in the TV spot in the Super Bowl, Black Widow was alone on her carrier, but now we learn that Bucky is on it as well.
And Bruce Banner is speculated to be inside the Hulk-Buster armor, which would be super cool to see him trying to use the armor that was created to stop himself.
“The end… is near.”
So, my theory is that this is the moment where Thor is holding his new weapon, Jarnbjorn, or in the movie, Stormbreaker. Funny how Thor goes throughout Ragnarok and realizes that he doesn’t need a weapon, yet in Infinity War goes and gets one anyways. Which is wise, given who he’s facing.
We also see Rocket and Groot staring at what they helped Thor create. Groot is like, woah. and Rocket is like, that’s badass. I love Rocket and Groot. They’re the best duo in the MCU that I hope we’ll ever get. They have found a great place in my hearts.
“And when I’m done,”
“Half of humanity will still exist.”
Okay, so we see the circle thing crash onto Thano’s homeworld, Titan, most likely holding Spider-Man and Iron Man, possibly Doctor Strange. And then… wow. We get to see another great shot of Thanos in his armor, and we also get to see Gamora as a little kid. This scene is most likely a flashback, where we get to see Thanos taking over Gamora’s homeworld. Those people that Thanos’ army are shunning away? Gamora’s race.
Fun fact: That army? That’s the Chitauri, most likely. He had them at his command before he went and sat in a chair until, like, 2015.
We get to see Thor getting his skull crushed by Thanos, but I feel like he’s holding Thor in place to force Thor to watch something very sad. Maybe Loki, getting killed or tortured for his failure to conquer Earth at Thanos’ instructions, and for his failure to get the Space Stone.
And WOOHOO! We finally get to see the Black Order! Man, for a while, I was worried that they weren’t going to look good on film, but they did a great job animating them. That was SO COOL TO SEE! And, Proxima Midnight is holding her spear threateningly towards Loki, which makes me think that they don’t trust him, which is fair, given as he is the God of Mischief.
And we also see Thanos crushing the Tesseract to gain the Space Stone, which is awesome, and we can see the extreme power of Thanos to be able to do this (or, since he has the Power Stone already, he is that strong. Eh, either way, he’s strong).
This is pretty cool, and I love this part. Fast paced clips of Bucky cocking his gun, Cap opening his new shield, and Black Panther’s claws coming out of his suit. His mask covers his face, and the battle begins as they charge into battle. At this point, we get to see how well the Wakandans are preparing for this battle. They know, as soon as Vision gets into Wakanda, the Outriders will be there.
They are ready. The entire army is there, and woah! We get to see the boundaries of Wakanda keep out the Outriders. Man, there are a lot of them.
“Perfectly balanced,”
Awesome Doctor Strange and Star-Lord team up on the Titan. Doctor Strange makes magic pads for Quill to jump on to get closer to Thanos and to avoid his blasts. That was super cool to see.
“As all things should be.”
Okay, so we get to see Scarlet Witch look up in horror, supposedly at Doctor Strange, who is screaming as he is being tortured by Ebony freaking Maw! Man, that was awesome to see Maw hushing Strange as he was torturing him. I think that they got Ebony Maw perfectly. The wrinkles of his face, the same likeness to the comics? I was screaming at that point when I watched the trailer for the first time.
Also, Falcon flying past the ranks of the Wakandan army to fire upon the Outriders? Sweet! But my hope is that when the Hulk-Buster gets torn apart, then the Hulk will bust out of the destroyed armor and destroy those filthy Outriders.
“I hope they’ll remember you…
Oh. My. God. I hope they’ll remember you… I think that’s Thanos talking about the other half of the universe saying that he hopes that they’ll remember the man who tried to stop him. Then we see Thanos go to punch Iron Man, but then quick flip to a different scene in Wakanda where Cap stops a punch from Thanos! OH MY F-
That’s amazing, because Thanos has both the Power and Space stones! That’s incredible! We’ve seen the feats of Captain America before, but GEEZ! That’s OP! But I feel like he may have taken the Heart-Shaped Herb to get extra strength. T’Challa would have trusted Cap with this.
And then… there’s this:
I’m Peter,
This was the coolest trailer that I’ve ever seen, and I can’t wait for the movie! This took so long to make! Thanks so much for reading this, and, and always, have a wonderful day!